Cite Klaka/Seram Mak Saye~

Kisah ni jd mase ak darjah 2 kot..x bape ingt tym skola rndh dlu..tym tuh ade ak,my bro n my lil sis nabila yg skrg dh mmg zmn knk2 ak la kn cite neh..nk dijadikan cite,tym tuh bln pose..even ak drjh 2 ak dh stat pose xingt la pnuh ke x..yg ak ingt ak pnh kne tgkp ngn mak ak sbb mkn kacang..haha..ala mak neh mkn kacang pon xleh..haha..ok2..berbalik kpd cite asal..mase tuh pg nk dkt sahur dh..mak ak pn bgn masak air..utk bapak ak..bese la org tua ske mnum air pns kn..tym tuh mak ak lpk kt tangga dapur..tgga tuh straight ke tgkp blakang umh..mase tuh mak ak nmpk gelap jela..yela matahari x kua lg..subuh pon blm..mak ak pn ngntk sbnrnye tuh..ak tau..hehe..then...tgh syok tmenung tggu air msk,tibe2 mak ak nmpk 1 bayang putih kt tgkp blakang umh ak tuh..mak ak tenung btl2..mmg ade sumting kt ctu..mak ak goyang gk pikir2 blk...ape yg korg pikir? mak ak pikir mane de anto0 bln pose neh..merepek jek kn..pastu makin mak ak tenung makin dkt lak die kt tgkp tuh..mak ak risau gak..mende neh mmg saje nk kaco mak ak..mak ak bgn n kejutkn bapak ak..tah pe yg mak ak bgtau kt bapak ak tuh smp die trn tgga dapur n bwk parang pnjg..parang tuh arwah atuk ak bg..mcm pedang samurai wa ckp lu! huhu..tah mane tah bapak ak smpn.muzium dh amek kot..haa,smbg blk..bapak ak bkak kunci pintu dapur..tym tuh bnyk lak selak kunci mencemaskn laa...nk tau pe jd?? bile dgr jek bunyi selak pintu kne bkak, tibe2 dgr bunyi bising cm org lari kt luar tuh..sooo,kesimpulannye..sah la bkn anto00! korg pikir ant00 ek..ape daaa~ hahah..bapak ak tgk kt luar xde ape2 or SAPE2 pon..haa..esoknye,tgk kt blakang umh de kesan tapak kaki org daa..xtau la diorg nk wtpe kt blakang umh ak tuh..xkn nk ngorat mak ak..mustahil2..mesti nk mencurik...ish3...tah sape la org tuh.....

Kes Bdk 15 tahun Ditembak Mati

Korg tau kn psl bdk yg kne tmbk tuh? Kesian kt family die..Terpakse terime kehilangan ahli keluarga n name arwah diburukkn..mmg x ak sebagai jiran n kenalan arwah atau keluarga arwah ptt doakan kebahagiaan dia kt sana..ok..mase x mengizinkn la nk type pnjg2..mlm kang smbg..hehe~

Mike: The Headless Chicken

Miracles happen. For a five and half months old rooster, there would not really be many ways to gather dust and fame in our world. But on the 10th of September 1945, destiny had a certain way with Mike. Using a sharp axe, farmer Lloyd Olsen decided on preparing Mike for the night's supper. However, bringing the tool down did chop off the rooster, but did not prepare it for Mr. Olsen's kitchen, as the rooster, did not seem to mind the incident for more than a while, and went around pecking for food headless. Most of a chicken's reflex actions are controlled by the brain stem. Purely by freakish accident of the nature Mike's half of the brain stem and one ear remained intact. Mike received food and water through a eyedropper. Hence, was born the ordeal and legend of a headless rooster. Mike not only lived on for another eighteen months, but also went on to a healthy 8lbs from an initial 2lbs. The rooster won a place in the Guinness book of records, priced itself at $10,000, insured at another $10,000 and brought himself a manager as he tagged off to a tour to New York, LA and Atlantic City. Unfortunately it was at the end of one of these tours, when Mike passed away, leaving behind a legacy of remembrance and respect for Mike's will for survival.

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The Absolute Place For You To Satisfy Your Needs...

How I Met Your..Fatin Raihana, Edzuwyn Fathin and Nurhafizah

time Hari InteraksI Pelajar Baru/07..Selamat Datang ke USM! hehe..not much that i can remember actually..firstly, i met edzuwyn fathin..or so called edz..she was so quiet and calm at that time..ermm..ok ckp bm lak skang..mase mule2 jmpe die kat dpn indah kembara x silap..yg time kite sume gather ikot sko0l tuh..waa..cuak gak..sume mke freshee..mmg x knl..yg knl pon kos line tuh..ak nmpk..edz n sorg lg bdk..kecik je bdk nye..tgk gaye mmg up to date..nk tau sape? nnt la..x abes cite lg neh sal edz..edz neh tggi orgnye..kalo sape dak BPC yg x knl mmg nk kne sebat kot~ haha..ak rapat dgn edz dluh..kitorg mule bnyk bcakap n get to know each other..dia matrik kedah..same dgn bdk kecik td..haaa..ok2..ak bgtau..dak kecik tuh fatin raihana la..edz dgn fatin neh 1 ak ngn dia pon knl2 la jgk..heheh..pastuh..kitorg slalu bkepit bertiga jek..then..dtg la si bdk tggi lg sorg...Pijah la sape lg..haha..yg neh cm x ingt sgt la..rasenye fatin yg knl pijah dluh..then kitorg ber4 jd closer n closer..until pindah tekun..fatin has been my ro0mate until n0w!! wht a destiny! =)..Setakat ape yg ak ingt neh..ak xnk lupe...ak tkt kehilangan diorg..n if i least i got written memories..n photos of course!! hehehe..

Getting started...

Friday, 12.36 am....skrg tgh lepak sorg2 dlm bilik..siyesly xtau nk, slps 8 jam berpikir,knape x stat blogging jek? kn? at least i got a chance to start writing n not just keep messing with things in my head..dh 4 ari kot dok tgk Supernatural jek..skrg dh season 5..makin lame makin khurafat lak..dlu best jek..Dean and Sam Winchester dok carik n bunuh ant0o..skrg tibe2 masuk angels,demons,apocalypse, n wut the foot..i just dont get it..mcm nk sesatkn org xpe..i'm watching just to fill in my time...ok skrg nk smbung..tengkuk mcm sakit lak..rase slh tdo neh..huu..